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If you think is a great resource and want to recommend it to others, we would love for you to add a link to us on your website or blog and help us share our enrichment information with other bird owners! 

We've created this page to help make it easy for you to add a link on your website to by just copying and pasting the code below into your site. 

Can't find what you're looking for? If you have specific needs that the buttons and links below won't work for, contact us so we can see if we can help. 

Please feel free to use any of the following banners on your web page to link to

To save an image: 

Windows: Right-click with your mouse and "save" the image to your desktop
MAC: Hold down mouse button and drag-n-drop the image to your desktop 

Here's how to cut and paste the HTML code into your web page: 

Use your mouse to highlight the HTML code for the banner you would like to use.
Click on "Edit", then on "Copy" on your browser's menu.
Open your web page in a separate window using your favorite HTML editing program.
Click on "Edit", then on "Paste" in your web page at the location you want the banner to appear. 

If you need a site description: 

"The Avian Enrichment site provides information to bird owners that addresses their companion parrot's physical, emotional and instinctual needs. When you visit this site you will have free access to over 100 articles on 12 easy to navigate essential topics that will help you enrich your bird's life"

If you would like to add an AvianEnrichment banner on your site, we have provided some samples below.  Please link them to our home page:   Thank you!

300 x 250

HTML Code:  <a href="" border=0><img src=""></a>


500 x 100

HTML Code:  <a href="" border=0><img src=""></a>

500 x 300

HTML Code:  <a href="" border=0><img src=""></a>


480 x 100

HTML Code:  <a href="" border=0><img src=""></a> 

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