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Avian Enrichment ESS

Logic Party 250A flock of naughty and extremely bored parrots (including one named Mr. Peabody) decided to throw a party while their parronts were off to work one day. The ringleader, a very mechanically inclined Triton Cockatoo, broke everyone out of their cages and the party began. The parrots jointly decided to create their own enrichment activities and to play some fun, competitive games. No two parrots were of the same species and they each won a different game. From the following clues can you determine each bird's name, its species and what game they won?

1. Boo Boo and the parrot who won "Bite the Tail of the Puppy" (who wasn't the Quaker) had a blast all day!
2. The winner of the "Food Flinging Contest" and the African Grey (who wasn't named Jo Jo Bean) decided they should make partying a regular event.
3. Neither Boo Boo nor the bird who won "Chew the legs off of the dining room chairs" was the Quaker Parrot.
4. The Eclectus and the champion food flinger both hoped they wouldn't get in too much trouble when their parronts got home.
5. Kermit (who isn't the Quaker) and the champion chewer particularly enjoyed eating all of the party treats that the entire gang found while foraging through the kitchen cabinets and the pantry.
6. Neither Boo Boo nor Jo Jo Bean won the "people food" foraging contest.


Print and use the charts below to keep track of the information given in the clues.

Chew Tail Forage Fling
Cockatoo Grey Quaker Eclectus
Jo Jo Bean
Mr. Peabody
Boo Boo
African Grey


Name Species Game Won


Solution: Parrot Party


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  • health stress 250Welcome to Avian Enrichment where our mission is to provide information to bird owners that will foster a deeper understanding of the emotional, instinctual and physical needs of parrots.  We believe, that the better we understand our birds, the better we can ensure that they will live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives as our companions.

    We hope that the information presented within our site will inspire our visitors to learn more about their birds and to take action to enrich their lives to the fullest extent possible.

  • physical 250As caretakers of these marvelous creatures we must provide for their physical needs to the very best of our abilities. By consistently addressing all of the key areas outlined in our articles you will not only enhance your bird's quality of life but will also strengthen his relationship with you.

    To learn more about your parrot's physical needs click here.

  • African Grey and Sun ConureParrots have been described as having the emotional equivalent of a 2 year old child. We wouldn't think of leaving a toddler locked alone in a room deprived of opportunities for social interaction, nurturing, intellectual challenge or guidance for several hours a day and expect them to develop into a healthy, happy and fully functioning beings. We also can't expect this of our parrots. As with children, parrots need a lot of patience, attention and nurturing guidance, as well as opportunities to learn and explore.

    To learn more about your parrot's emotional needs click here.

  • Hyacinth MacawRegardless of the fact your baby parrot may have been born in captivity, parrots are still instinctually hardwired to survive in the wild. Unlike dogs and cats who have been selectively bred and domesticated over several millennia, parrots have only been bred domestically for a few generations and therefore they are not that different (physically or psychologically) from their wild counterparts.

    Because parrots are driven by their instinctual needs they may behave in ways that sometimes makes life frustrating and difficult for both the bird and their caregivers.

    To learn more about your parrot's instinctual needs click here.

You are forever responsible for what you have tamed.