Parrot Safety

Written by Administrator. Posted in Safety

Parrot SafetyIn the wild, bird's face many challenges in ensuring their day to day survival.  However, bird's face many more challenges surviving in our "unnatural environment."   They have to navigate and survive many household hazards that we often don't even think twice about.

Over the years we've heard of pet birds dying as the result of:

  • exposure to toxic fumes (teflon, cleaners, new carpet, etc.)
  • being stepped on
  • drowning in a sink or toilet
  • flying into a ceiling fan
  • being fed a poisonous food
  • being electrocuted
  • strangling on an unsafe or unkempt toy
  • being smothered in bed by their owner
  • escaping through an open window
  • breaking neck by flying into a window
  • being attacked by a family pet
  • being attacked by a hawk

Most of these deaths were the result of accidents that could have easily been prevented and many were the result of plain ignorance where the owners knew better but didn't take appropriate precautions.   There exists a growing body of information in regards to parrot safety and taking the time to learn from other's tragedies may save your bird, as well as save you a lot of heartache.

Our pet birds are dependent on us to ensure they are kept safe from harm in our homes and that we are prepared to handle emergencies.  Just like little children, our bird's curiosity can help them find very creative ways to find trouble if they are left unsupervised.Please take a few minutes to read the safety information contained within the AvianEnrichment site and then follow up by taking all the steps necessary to bird-proof your home just as conscientiously as you would to child-proof your home for a toddler.    

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