Training with Treats

Written by Administrator.

Training your Parrots with TreatsTraining with treats can be a quick and effective method of Positive Reinforcement Training . In training your bird with treats, you are providing a motivating factor for him to learn new desired behaviors and tricks. This motivation is above and beyond the shear joy he will get from spending one to one bonding time with you during the training process.

For training to be most effective:

  • Use your bird's favorite healthy treat (avoid high fat treats if you will have lots of sessions)
  • Take time every day for training
  • Keep learning sessions short (under 20 minutes)
  • Conduct training on a T-stand in a quiet room away from your bird's cage and other distractions.
  • Choose one behavior to focus on at a time. Once he masters that behavior, move on to another one.
  • Reward your bird with a treat and voice praise when he performs the desired behavior.

Training sessions can be a wonderful bonding time with your parrot companion. There are also many superb training guides and devices available to assist you such as:

  • Training Books
  • Training DVDs
  • Clicker Training
  • Training Perches
  • Training Devices

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