Choosing Toys for Your Bird

Posted in Exercise & Play

Choosing Toys for Your BirdIs it Really Just a Bird Toy?

....or is it a magical device that becomes whatever your bird desires? One thing is very clear, bird toys are more than mere playthings when it comes to your bird.  What does a bird toy represent to your bird?   How can this help you to make better choices for your bird?

Is it Really Just a Bird Toy?

What is your bird's toy personality?

Observation is the key to understanding how to make the best toy selections for your bird.  Does your bird have preferences for certain materials, colors, textures or shapes?  Keep the following questions in mind while observing your bird interacting with toys and other objects of interest around the house?

Does your bird like to....

  • chew, tear, preen, shadow box, snuggle with or disassemble toys?
  • play with bells or other noisemakers?
  • hang upside down and do aerobatics?
  • climb the drapes?
  • hold things in his foot or toss objects?
  • rip and shred paper?
  • forage for treats?
  • solve puzzles?
  • chew holes in your clothes? untie knots?
  • snatch your earrings, eyeglasses and other shiny objects?
  • weave materials through cage bars?
  • hide behind or snuggle up to toys?

Answers to these questions can point you in the right direction when it comes to finding the perfect toys for your bird.

Other Considerations in Choosing Toys

  • Select toys of an appropriate size for your bird.  If a toy is too small it will not only be too easily destroyed but small parts could also present a choking hazard.    If a toy is too large it could pose a trapping hazard for small bird body parts.
  • Select toys from reputable manufacturers who take care to make sure only safe, non-toxic materials are used.   No toy is 100% safe but you can minimize potential risks by making smart choices.  Check out our Toy Safety Guide to learn more.
  • Know how your bird interacts with his toys and choose toys appropriate to his individual play style.  Make sure to supervise your bird whenever you give him a new toy to ensure he plays safely.
  • Be prepared to maintain toys as they may become unsafe after parts become chewed or frayed.
  • Provide your bird with a minimum of 4-6 toys at all times.
  • Choose a variety of toys (see below) and make sure to rotate and reposition them frequently (minimum weekly) to maintain a stimulating environment for your bird.

Types of Bird Toys

Birds should be provided with a cross section of toys from all of the following categories to ensure that their physical and mental needs are being addressed.

  • Foraging Toys
  • Destructible Toys
  • Exercise Toys
  • Manipulative Toys
  • Preening Toys
  • Comfort Toys
  • Teach & Learn Toys
  • Foot Toys

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